Privacy Policy

I. In general

The societe anonyme with the name “Golden Pier S.A.” (“Company”, “we”, “us”, “us”), recognizes that the security of your personal data is extremely important and is committed to showing respect for your privacy and the protection of your personal data.

This Privacy and Personal Data Protection Statement (“Statement”) presents the way in which the Company uses your personal data, as well as the measures it has taken to protect and secure the retention of this data. The Statement applies to you, if you purchase products, receive services from us, participate in our events or promotions or interact in any other way with us, including using the website or any of our other websites or by contacting us through social media.

Take some time to check this Statement in detail and if you are already a customer or partner, more details on how we use your personal information may be mentioned in your contract with the Company. More information, which indicates certain uses of your personal data along with the option to select or exit them, may also be provided during the collection of your personal data.

II. Who we are

The purpose of this Statement is to inform you about the type of personal data collected by the Company, their purpose and method of processing (collection, storage, use, transmission), the adopted protection and security measures we have taken, as well as the rights of the subjects of personal data against this processing, which in any case is carried out in a reliable and transparent manner. Given the collection and processing of personal data, the Company has a strong commitment to process them in accordance with no. 679/2018 General Data Protection Regulation (GPA), the Greek data protection laws and any other relevant law and code of conduct for data protection (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Personal Data Protection Laws – IFRS”).

The Company operates in the field of catering and operates restaurants under the brand “Delly’s” and regarding the collection and processing of personal data is supervised by the Personal Data Protection Authority (APDPX).

III. Data we collect

We collect and process the personal data you provide to us under the following legal bases:
Legal interest and Contractual obligation as required for the fulfillment of the provided services and your transaction with us,
Legal Obligation for our compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and
Your consent, which you can revoke in the context of your rights.

  • We do not process personal data without your consent or without being our customers or without having provided your data to the Company yourself.
  • We do not collect or process personal data of children under the age of 16.
  • We collect only the personal data that are necessary for the correct and complete provision of our products and services, such as name, surname, VAT number, telephone, e-mail, address, name of social media accounts, data of transactional behavior, etc. At this point it is indicated that you are responsible for the accuracy of the data you provide to us. Examples of use of IFRS performed by the Company are the following:
  • We collect, process and store your data as our legal obligation for reasons of fulfillment of legal obligations arising from the current tax legislation,
  • We collect, process and store data under contractual obligations when you do business with us,
  • We collect, process and store your data to manage your communication with us, and / or
  • We collect, process and store your data for the management of contests or promotions (eg gift giving) resulting from your participation in these events.

ΙV. Transmission and disclosure of your personal data

We do not trade or transmit your personal data to third parties except within the framework of what is defined in this Privacy Statement as well as within the requirements of the law. In particular, in order to provide our services, we may share your personal data with certain third party companies, which act on our behalf (as processors) in order to provide optimal service to you (such as transport companies, service companies communication and marketing, companies providing accounting, consulting and / or auditing services, etc.). The Company ensures the processing of your personal data by the partners-third companies with conventional clauses limiting the purpose of processing and compliance with the technical and organizational measures according to the GCP for the correct and safe processing of your personal data.

We do not transmit your personal data to third countries and / or outside the European Union.

Our website ( collects but does not transmit to third parties, information that describes your previous web browsing) such as cookies (cookies are files stored in your web browser) and contain information about your previous internet activity). More specifically, we use cookies for many different reasons, with the sole purpose of creating a safer and more useful environment for our visitors, as well as to provide advertising content tailored to their interests and needs. We also use “cookies” to understand how our visitors browse  to improve its structure and content.

V. Adaptation measures

At the Company we take all the necessary measures for protection and security of information. More specifically, we have developed and implemented optimal technical and organizational mechanisms for security and protection of information in order to protect their integrity, availability and confidentiality.

VI. Duration of data retention

We collect and maintain your personal data for as long as required by law under the contractual relationship we have with you. In the event that you consent to the use of your data for marketing purposes, we retain your data until you request otherwise or revoke your consent.

VII. Your rights

At the Company we recognize and guarantee your following rights:

  • Right to transparent information, for the exercise of your rights (Articles 12, 13, 14 GCC),
  • Right of access (Article 15 GCC) to the personal data we have collected from you
  • Right of correction (Article 16 GCC) of inaccurate personal information we have about you
  • Right to delete (“right to be forgotten”) (Article 17 GIPD) the Member-User account and the information we have about you. It should be noted that the exercise of the right to unsubscribe to an active subscriber implies the inability to continue to provide the services you requested
  • Right to restrict the processing of your personal data (Article 18 GIP) where possible
  • Right of objection (Article 21 GCC) to the processing of your personal data

You have every right to exercise your rights by sending an email to our Company. We ask that your relevant requests be accompanied by the appropriate identification documents of your person, with the explicit reservation of the Company to request the provision of additional information in order to identify and confirm your details.

VIII. Filing complaints

The Company holds your data, in compliance with the provisions of this Statement and the requirements of applicable law. Nevertheless, if you wish to make any complaint or request regarding the processing of your data, you reserve the right to submit it to the competent Greek Personal Data Protection Authority (APDPH).